Our Story

For over 20 years, the folks behind KentuckyLakeRentals.com have marketed Kentucky Lake, Lake Barkley and Land Between The Lakes. Beginning with Explore Kentucky Lake in 2001, we've been telling the Internet about all the wonderful things that can be experienced in our region.

KentuckyLakeRentals.com was launched in April 2019 with the mission of providing detailed property and boat rental information for our clients. Together with our family of websites, including Explore Kentucky Lake, KentuckyLake.com, LakeBarkleyRentals.com and LandBetweenTheLakes.com, we are the top destination for all things Kentucky Lake!

If you'd like to promote your property on our family of websites, get details on our listings program.


Kentucky Lake Cabins/Cottages


Kentucky Lake Homes


Kentucky Lake Hotels


Kentucky Lake Condos


Kentucky Lake Resorts


Kentucky Lake Area Glamping